Riding Home in Daylight
For various reasons, I hadn't cycled to work in about three weeks, just before the clock went forward.
It was very pleasant to cycle home in broad daylight for a change. Very pleasant.
For various reasons, I hadn't cycled to work in about three weeks, just before the clock went forward.
It was very pleasant to cycle home in broad daylight for a change. Very pleasant.
I look out the window. Drizzling—not too heavy—I'll ride to work. Pack my clothes into the panier bag. Spandex tights, coat, yellow jacket, helmet, gloves: on they go. Bike's in the garage, seems okay, slap on the bag. Pull it out, reset the odometer. 17 minutes today?
Ignite the blinky lights, pull away. Down the side roads, until I'm compelled to take the arterial. Press the crosswalk button, wait for a break in the traffic. Two minutes, three, does this fucking light ever change? Off like a shot, past Jefferson Park. Maybe they'll finish by next summer. Hit the next light at 2:30. A long, gentle uphill for the next 8 minutes. Next left, zig …continue.