Most regular expression engines make it easy to
match alternations (or disjunctions) with the | operator:
to match either foo or bar,
use foo|bar.
Few regex engines have any provisions for conjunctions,
and the syntax is often horrible.
Awk makes it easy to match /pat1/ && /pat2/ && /pat3/.
$ cat <<EOF | awk '/bar/ && /foo/'
> foo bar
> bar
> barfy food
> barfly
foo bar
barfy food
In the case of a Unix pipeline,
the conjunction could also be expressed as a series of pipes:
... | grep pat1 | grep pat2 | grep pat3 | ....
The longest regex that I ever encountered
was an enormous alternation—a true horror that shouldn't have …continue.
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think
“I know, I'll use regular expressions.”
Now they have two problems.
— Jaime Zawinksi
A Twitter thread about very long regexes
reminded me of the longest regex that I ever ran afoul of,
a particularly horrible multilevel mess
that had worked acceptably on the 32-bit .NET CLR,
but brought the 64-bit CLR to its knees.
Whenever I ran our ASP.NET web application [on Win64],
it would go berserk, eat up all 4GB of my physical RAM,
push the working set of IIS's w3wp.exe to 12GB,
and max out one of my 4 cores!
The only way to maintain any sanity was to run iisreset
every 20 minutes to …continue.
I was debugging a filtering directory walker
(on which, more to follow)
and I was trying to figure out
the mysterious suffix that
appends to its result,
fnmatch.translate takes a Unix-style glob,
like *.py or test_*.py[cod],
and translates it character-by-character into a regular expression.
It then appends \Z(?ms).
Hence the latter glob becomes r'test\_.*\.py[cod]\Z(?ms)',
using Python's raw string notation to avoid the
backslash plague.
Also, the ? wildcard character becomes the . regex special character,
while the * wildcard becomes the .* greedy regex.
A StackOverflow answer partially explains,
which set me on the right track.
(?ms) is equivalent to compiling the regex with re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL.
The re.DOTALL modifier makes the . special character
match any character,
including …continue.
I mentioned three weeks ago that I had just repaved my work dev box
and installed the 64-bit version of the Windows 7 RC.
Nine or ten years after I first ported parts of IIS to Win64,
I am finally running my main desktop on 64-bit Windows.
With one exception, it's been painless.
Programs have just worked, devices have just worked.
There are relatively few native x64 applications,
but for the most part it doesn't matter.
The cases where it does matter—e.g., shell extensions such as TortoiseSVN—are available as 64-bit binaries.
I briefly flirted with using the 64-bit build of Python,
but realized that I would have to recompile several eggs as …continue.
On a StackOverflow question about favorite Vim plugins, I learned about Ack,
a replacement for grep that's smarter about searching source trees.
Ack is written in Perl.
The built-in :vimgrep is rather slow.
It seems to have some Vim-specific overhead,
such as creating swap files and executing BufRead autocmds.
Ack is noticeably faster,
though somewhat slower than GNU grep.
Which would you rather type to search a tree,
ignoring the .svn and .git subtrees?
$ ack -i -l foobar
$ grep --exclude='*.svn*' --exclude='*.git*' -i -l -r foobar .
The ack takes 6 seconds to search 4500 files, while the grep completes in 2.
This does not count the time that I spent trying …continue.
Exuberant Ctags is an essential complement to Vim:
it generates an index of symbol names (tags) for a set of source files.
In Vim, just place the cursor on a function name
and type C-] to go to its definition.
Ctags works well for most of the languages that I deal with,
but falls down badly on modern JavaScript.
Its built-in parser simply doesn't handle declarations like these:
Sizzle.selectors.filters.animated = function(elem) { // ...
ajaxSetup: function( settings ) {
I came across Unbad's workaround earlier tonight.
His code didn't work for me, so I hacked on it until it did:
--regex-js=/([A-Za-z0-9._$]+)[ \t]*[:=][ \t]*\{/\1/,object/
--regex-js=/([A-Za-z0-9._$()]+)[ \t]*[:=][ \t]*function[ \t]*\(/\1/,function/
--regex-js=/function[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9._$]+)[ \t]*\(([^)])\)/\1/,function/
--regex-js=/([A-Za-z0-9._$]+)[ \t]*[:=][ \t]*\[/\1/,array/
--regex-js=/([^= ]+)[
I want to be able to write some reviews and graphically rate them with stars.
I put together some transparent stars in Gimp and added a macro to dasBlog.
I'm going to rate this effort:
To get this effect, I simply wrote $stars(4.5).
(And I had to carefully construct the previous sentence so
that dasBlog wouldn't invoke the stars macro.)
I'm hardnosed. I rarely give 5/5 to anything. I don't really expect to need
the half stars, but I may want that fine control at some point.
To use this in your own blog, download the zipfile of star images.
Copy 5star*.gif to your blog's images directory.
The *.xcf files …continue.