George V. Reilly

AIDS Walk 2005

On Saturday 10th September 2005, over 8,000 people will par­tic­i­pate in the Northwest AIDS Foundation Walk. I will be one of them, as I have been every year since 1992.

To sponsor me, please visit my Donation Page.

I had originally signed up to march with Team Microsoft. Then we in BiNet Seattle decided to form a team. Please join Team BiNet Seattle: we’d love to have you.

It’s been more than 20 years since AIDS was first recognized. AIDS is still wreaking dev­as­ta­tion in Africa and Asia, and affecting many in the U.S. Although the new protease inhibitors are helping many people in the West, the AIDS epidemic is far from over. For one thing, the new drugs are not a cure. When they work well, they enable people with AIDS to lead an active life and live much longer than before. But one-third of people with access to medical treatment do not respond to that treatment. The new drugs are hor­ren­dous­ly expensive (about $15,000 per year), so they’re out of reach of 95% of the people living with AIDS around the world. (Recently, the large phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal companies have come to some agreements to make their drugs available at much cheaper rates in the Third World, but millions of people still have no access to the drugs.) Fur­ther­more, somewhere between 550 and 1,100 Wash­ing­to­ni­ans are infected every year, one-quarter of them under the age of 22. More than 85% of the people diagnosed with AIDS in Washington State since 1995 are still alive—a marked im­prove­ment on the situation before the protease inhibitors became available. All of this means that there’s a continuing need for money to help fight the epidemic.

In addition to funding the Lifelong AIDS Alliance’s own services, the money raised will be dis­trib­uted to other AIDS or­ga­ni­za­tions throughout Washington State. The Lifelong AIDS Alliance (formerly the Northwest AIDS Foundation and the Chicken Soup Brigade) provides a variety of services to HIV+ people and people living with AIDS in Washington: Food, housing, rent subsidies, in-home care, groceries, ed­u­ca­tion­al material, and much more. See­lon­gaid­sal­ for more details.

If you’d like to walk yourself, please visit If you work for a company, such as Microsoft, that matches charitable con­tri­bu­tions, be sure to list your company name.

I thank you, Lifelong AIDS Alliance thanks you, and the people your donation will help thank you.

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