George V. Reilly

A Feast for Crows

I’m in­dif­fer­ent to most fantasy books, but I’ve been a fan of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, since I read the first book, A Game of Thrones, in 1997. I read the second book A Clash of Kings, in 1999. The third book A Storm of Swords came out five years ago, and I’ve been awaiting the fourth book, A Feast for Crows, ever since. After several post­pone­ments, it’s finally out.

It’s an epic tale of love, war, and intrigue. Five Kings are fighting for control, by sword, by guile, and sometimes by magic. Strange creatures are rising in the frozen North, beyond the Wall. Dragons are reap­pear­ing in the South. The young Starks, separated by fate and a cruel author, strive in vain to reunite. The Lannisters, mad and bad, seek to dominate.

I’m re-reading the series and re­dis­cov­er­ing how good it is. The characters are clearly drawn, the plotting first rate, the writing excellent.

George R.R. Martin is on a book tour of the U.S. and appears at the University of Washington Bookstore on Monday, November 21st, at 7pm.

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