George V. Reilly

Ego Surfing on IMDB

I was looking up the credits of In­ter­mis­sion on IMDB, then decided to look up my brother, David Reilly, the actor of the family. I found him.

I couldn’t find any IMDB listing for my other brother, Mark Reilly, the filmmaker.

Then I looked up my own name. I wasn’t there, of course, but I did find Der Spleen des George Riley, a German TV production of a Tom Stoppard play, Enter a Free Man.

I did quite a bit of work for Irish television in the mid-to-late Eighties, but it was all behind the scenes computer graphics work for such timeless gems as Murphy’s Micro Quiz’M, Rapid Roulette, the Carroll’s Irish Open, and the weather maps. The only thing that was of lasting value was Live Aid. The weather display software was still in use for most of the Nineties, so I can honestly say that my work has been widely seen by millions of people. I don’t think my name ever appeared in the credits, though, just that of my then employer, Lendac.

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