George V. Reilly

Subversive activity

Vim and DasBlog, two open source projects that I’m associated with, have both switched over to using the Subversion source code control system in the last week. In both cases, the prolonged problems with anonymous CVS access at Source­Forge proved the final straw. And I provided the impetus, by bringing up the need for a change on the vim-dev and dasblogce-developers mailing lists. I take no credit for doing the work, however, as that was done by others.

(Vim’s primary repository continues to be CVS, with Subversion acting as a mirror for anonymous access. Bram didn’t want to change over until after Vim-7 ships.)

Earlier this year, we switched over to Subversion at work, after years of using Visual SourceSafe. It was a huge im­prove­ment. Having to use VSS was a big shock to my system, after years of using Source Depot at Microsoft. Trans­ac­tion­al checkins are really nice and I’ve grown to like Tor­tois­eSVN as a front-end to Subversion.

Win64 port of Vim » « Assert(Result.ToString() == "Expected")