George V. Reilly

Vim Syntax Highlighting for FlexWiki

We use FlexWiki at work. It’s an ASP.NET-based wiki, a low-overhead, organic way of sharing knowledge.

Vim Syntax Highlighting for FlexWiki

The only built-in means of editing a page in FlexWiki is to type into an HTML textbox, which is a horrendous user experience. There’s no WYSIWYG feedback showing you whether you’ve got the wiki markup right.

Back in December, Emma and I went to the Oregon coast for a week. We had no Internet access and long dark evenings, so I spent quite a bit of time on my laptop, working on a couple of projects. One was a new theme (skin) for DasBlog, which I didn’t finish to my sat­is­fac­tion. I really ought to get back to that.

The other was Vim syntax high­light­ing for FlexWiki, partially because it’s useful in its own right, partially because I wanted an excuse to learn the arcane syntax high­light­ing mechanism in Vim.

As you can see in the picture, syntax high­light­ing makes the wiki markup a lot clearer than it would be in black-and-white.

I got it working sat­is­fac­to­ri­ly in December, but I didn’t get around to releasing it on the Vim scripts repository until last week. The week before, Bram had issued a final call for sub­mis­sions of scripts for Vim-7.0, which galvanized me into releasing it as the FlexWiki Plugin for Vim.

Bram has included it in the most recent beta, Vim-7.0g, after I made a few changes. Those changes have not yet been propagated into the standalone version, but I’ll try to do that later this week.

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