George V. Reilly

Moving Offices

George on a milk carton

In mid-July, most of the Atlas Solutions developer teams moved from our old offices at Fifth and Jackson in the In­ter­na­tion­al District four blocks west to swanky offices in Pioneer Square. The new offices are at the State building on the corner of Occidental and Main, the pedes­tri­an­ized block with the antique stores and art galleries. Occidental Park across the street has been re­fur­bished. There are three coffee shops within two blocks, and Elliott Bay Books is one block west of us. It’s all very pleasant, with the exception of the large number of homeless people.

The only thing that I miss from the old offices is that we’re further from the large number of Asian restau­rants in the In­ter­na­tion­al District.

I move back to 5&J the week after next. Two developers from my team, Atlas OnDemand, are being loaned to another team for a few months.

The picture of me on a milk carton arises from the email exchange after the loan was announced. Our boss said that he would post pictures of the two of us so that the OnDemand team wouldn’t forget what we look like. I demanded to see my picture on a milk carton and, lo, that was arranged forthwith.

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