George V. Reilly

Michelle's Wedding

74 wedding photos

I noted at the beginning of July that my sister Michelle was to be married to David Bowles in Dublin in early November.

The wedding took place on Friday, November 10th. Emma and I arrived the afternoon before, half stumbling with tiredness. My brother, Mark, and his wife, Lizzy, had arrived from New York only hours earlier.

The ceremony took place at 1pm at St. Brigid’s, a small, old Anglican church, on the outskirts of Stillorgan village, long since absorbed into the Dublin met­ro­pol­i­tan area. It was very Ascendancy, with 19th century plaques about Fellow of the Royal College this and Brevet Colonel (Boer War) that.

The bride looked lovely, and I have the photos to prove it.

After the wedding, we all repaired to Bar­ber­stown Castle for the reception. There were, I think, 160 guests who partied late into the night. Emma and I gave up around 1:30, exhausted from the jet lag. My mother didn’t get to bed until after 4am. Philip Bowles, David’s father, who had been undergoing chemother­a­py, was in fine form and stayed up nearly as late.

Emma and I had arranged to stay a second night at Bar­ber­stown Castle, and I ended up sleeping until 4pm on the Saturday, trying to sleep off the drink and the jetlag.

The following week, my mother and I went through the nearly 400 photos that she, Emma, David Reilly, and I had taken, and whittled it down to 74 rep­re­sen­ta­tive ones. She badly wanted to send the photos to her friends around the world, so I set up a Picasa web album for her and uploaded them.

Mark set up a site for Michelle and David before the wedding, but it doesn’t yet link to the photos.

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