Python Batchfile Wrapper

I’ve been getting into Python lately. One problem that I’ve encountered under Windows, is that input redirection doesn’t work if you use the .py file association to run the script; e.g.:
C:\> < input.txt
There’s a well-known input redirection bug. The fix is to explicitly use python.exe to run the script.
A related problem for me was that stdin was opened as a text file, not a binary file, so \r bytes were being discarded from binary input files. The fix is to run python.exe -u (unbuffered binary input and output).
I didn’t want to hardcode the path to python.exe in a batch file, so I came up with the following wrapper, which parses the output from assoc .py and ftype Python.File.
Just place this batch file in the same directory as and call it foo.bat.
@setlocal @if (%_echo%)==() set _echo=off @echo %_echo% :: You must explicitly invoke python.exe, rather than rely on the :: file association for .py, if you want stdin redirection to work. :: See :: The -u flag to python.exe specifies unbuffered, binary stdin, :: so '\r\n' is not remapped to '\n'. call :FindPythonExe if "%PythonExe%"=="" ( echo Can't find python.exe exit /B 1 ) :: Replace the extension of this batch file with .py: s/.bat$/.py/ set "%PythonExe%" -u %PythonFile% %* goto :EOF :: :: Find python.exe in the path or via the .py association :: :FindPythonExe set PythonExe= :: Search for python.{cmd,bat,exe} in %PATH% for %%i in (cmd bat exe) do ( if "%PythonExe%"=="" ( for %%j in (python.%%i) do set PythonExe=%%~$PATH:j ) ) :: Extract path to python.exe from .py association if "%PythonExe%"=="" call :AssocPy2Exe goto :EOF :: :: Return the executable associated with .py in %PythonExe% :: :AssocPy2Exe call :AssocExtn2Exe .py set PythonExe=%_exe% goto :EOF :: :: Return the executable associated with file extension %1 in %_exe% :: :AssocExtn2Exe :: assoc .py -> .py=Python.File for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims==" %%i in (`assoc %1`) do set _ftype=%%i :: ftype Python.File -> Python.File="C:\Python24\python.exe" "%1" %* :: Grab everything after the '=' for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims==" %%i in (`ftype %_ftype%`) do set _rhs=%%i :: Get the first token of the space-separated list for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ("%_rhs%") do set _exe=%%i goto :EOF
Now you can run foo.bat < bar.jpg with the expected results.
Update 2006/01/03: The batchfile now searches %PATH% before looking up the .py association.
Update 2007/01/12: See here for a significantly improved batchfile and for py2cmd.