Review: 1635: The Cannon Law

Title: 1635: The Cannon Law
Author: Eric Flint, Andrew Dennis
Rating: ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Baen
Copyright: 2006
ISBN: 1416509380
Pages: 420
Keywords: alternate history
Reading period: 9–17 March, 2007
Another book from the 1632 series and a direct sequel to 1634: The Galileo Affair. Fortunately, this one is much better than Grantville Gazette III.
The Americans from the future have established an embassy in Rome, as well as a tavern catering to the revolutionary-minded elements. Cardinal Borja, head of the Spanish Inquisition, is enraged by the accommodation reached by Pope Urban, and he foments unrest leading to an attempt to overthrow the pope.
Fairly entertaining with a coherent plot and engaging characters. The first half moves slowly as the background is laid down; the pace picks up as unrest escalates into war.