George V. Reilly

Review: Hurricane Punch

Hurricane Punch
Title: Hurricane Punch
Author: Tim Dorsey
Rating: ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Harper Collins
Copyright: 2007
Pages: NNN
Keywords: crime, humor
Reading period: 19–21 April, 2007

A fast-paced comedy about an almost likable serial killer. Who’da thunk it?

There must be something about the coffee they serve in Florida newsrooms. Dave Barry, Carl Hiaasen, and Tim Dorsey. All Florida-based newsmen now known for their funny writing.

This is the first book that I’ve read by Dorsey. According to Wikipedia, all of his books feature Serge A. Storms, said serial killer, though he’s not always the prime character.

Serge spends much of the book racing around Florida, chasing hurricanes with his stoner sidekick, Coleman. He’s feeling put upon because there’s another serial killer on the loose. Serge is hy­per­ki­net­ic and full of en­thu­si­asms, but easily distracted. He spe­cial­izes in the imag­i­na­tive murders of jerks who annoy him, such as the Hip-Hop Redneck who meets his end in a motel-room-sized amplifier and the storm profiteer who cooks to death in an ice chest.

Pretty funny, in a twisted way.

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