Review: Living Dead in Dallas

Title: Living Dead in Dallas (Sookie Stackhouse #2)
Author: Charlaine Harris
Rating: ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Ace
Copyright: 2002
ISBN: 0441009239
Pages: 262
Keywords: mystery, vampire
Reading period: 22 April, 2007
The second of Charlaine Harris’s Dead series about Sookie Stackhouse, a waitress in small-town Louisiana. A telepathic waitress. With a vampire boyfriend.
Vampires were legalized two years ago and now live openly. Sookie is asked by the local vampire cabal to visit their counterparts in Dallas and use her talents to find a missing vampire. She finds that he is being held by the Fellowship of the Sun, a fundamentalist church that wants to take the un out of undead.
Harris portrays life in small Southern towns with a deft touch, and she breathes fresh life, er, undeath into vampire cliches.