George V. Reilly

Review: Proven Guilty

Proven Guilty
Title: Proven Guilty
Author: Jim Butcher
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Roc
Copyright: 2006
Pages: 479
Keywords: fantasy
Reading period: 9–12 June, 2007

Ninth book in the Dresden Files series of urban fantasies.

Harry Dresden is a wizard who consults with the Chicago Police on weird crimes. Molly, the rebellious teenaged daughter of an old friend, leads him to a horror fiction convention where the fans are being attacked by real monsters. Given Harry’s smart mouth and talent for drawing trouble upon himself, it’s not too long before he’s captured by a sadistic villain who tries to auction him to his many enemies on eBay. He escapes but then has to lead a rescue mission into the land of Faerie to save Molly.

En­ter­tain­ing, fast-paced, funny in places, and a little less grim than some of the previous books in the series. The back story continues to develop and Harry’s re­la­tion­ships with the ongoing characters evolve, mostly for the better.

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