George V. Reilly

Review: Bulletproof Web Design, second edition

Bulletproof Web Design, second edition
Title: Bul­let­proof Web Design, second edition
Author: Dan Cederholm
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ½
Publisher: New Riders
Copyright: 2007
Pages: 312
Keywords: css, web
Reading period: 10-29 October, 2007

Cederholm clearly explains the CSS techniques required to build a "bul­let­proof" website: one that is robust in the face of text resizing, window resizing, disabled images, etc, with minimal, se­man­ti­cal­ly correct markup that works across all the major browsers.

Anyone who’s serious about building a modern website should read this book.

Cederholm builds up his examples, one step at a time, in a clear manner. For the shorter examples, he tends to show the entire CSS or XHTML again and again, with the latest changes high­light­ed in orange. I would have preferred him to strip out the un­nec­ces­sary repetitive material. Otherwise, great book.

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