Review: Bulletproof Web Design, second edition

Title: Bulletproof Web Design, second edition
Author: Dan Cederholm
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ½
Publisher: New Riders
Copyright: 2007
ISBN: 0321509021
Pages: 312
Keywords: css, web
Reading period: 10-29 October, 2007
Cederholm clearly explains the CSS techniques required to build a "bulletproof" website: one that is robust in the face of text resizing, window resizing, disabled images, etc, with minimal, semantically correct markup that works across all the major browsers.
Anyone who’s serious about building a modern website should read this book.
Cederholm builds up his examples, one step at a time, in a clear manner. For the shorter examples, he tends to show the entire CSS or XHTML again and again, with the latest changes highlighted in orange. I would have preferred him to strip out the unneccessary repetitive material. Otherwise, great book.