Review: Unnatural Selection

Title: Unnatural Selection
Author: Aaron Elkins
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Berkley
Copyright: 2006
ISBN: 0425216055
Pages: 264
Keywords: crime
Reading period: 17–19 December, 2007
Gideon Oliver, the forensic anthropologist saddled with the unfortunate nickname of the "Skeleton Detective" by the press, is on vacation in the Scilly Isles, with his wife Julie. She’s participating in a small biennial colloquium organized by an eccentric Russian millionaire.
Naturally, he happens upon a bone fragment, which leads him to a dismembered corpse, who turns out to be an attendee of the previous colloquium.
The main characters are likeable and, despite the somewhat gruesome descriptions of skeletons and postmortems, it’s an enjoyable, well-plotted whodunnit.