Review: For a Few Demons More

Title: For a Few Demons More
Author: Kim Harrison
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Eos Books
Copyright: 2007
ISBN: 0061149810
Pages: 546
Keywords: urban fantasy
Reading period: 12-13 January, 2008
Another urban fantasy featuring the witch, Rachel Morgan, who runs an investigation agency with a vampire, in a world where ordinary humans were decimated by a virus and vampires, Weres, witches, pixies, and more live openly.
Morgan is reckless and addicted to living on the edge, and her friends will pay a heavy price before the end of the book. You’d want Rachel on your side in a fight, but you’d probably be exasperated with her the rest of the time. She battles demons, both metaphorical and literal, before bringing the book to a bittersweet conclusion.
This is the fifth book in an ongoing series. The books are heavily linked together and best read in order.
Enjoyable and fast-paced.