Odds and Ends #8

Use O’Reilly Maker to generate book covers. I’ve always wanted to write a book for cousin Tim, and now I have!
Via Pavel: Adolf Hitler - Vista Problems (YouTube).
The Photographer’s Right: a handy one-page guide.
The general rule in the United States is that anyone may take photographs of whatever they want when they are in a public place or places where they have permission to take photographs. Absent a specific legal prohibition such as a statute or ordinance, you are legally entitled to take photographs. Examples of places that are traditionally considered public are streets, sidewalks, and public parks.
The tiny <code> font in Firefox has been bugging me for a long time. I finally figured out the obvious: Override the Monospace setting. Tools > Options > Content > Fonts & Colors > Advanced > Monospace: change Courier New at size 13 to 16. While you’re at it, change the font to Consolas or Lucida Console or Monaco. Courier New is ugly.
My man, John Edwards, is out of the presidential race. Some analysis from Corrente and Meteor Blades of Edwards’ candidacy.
I have never been enthusiastic about Hillary Rodham Clinton as a presidential candidate. She’s accumulated 16 years of negatives from being relentlessly demonized by Limbaugh and his ilk; she’s too damn centrist and corporate for my liking; and I remain troubled about her vote for the Iraq War and her refusal to apologize for it.
I am now an Obama voter. I have expressed some doubts in the past about his efficacy, but there’s no doubt that his messages of transformation and inspiration are striking a chord with primary voters.
The Washington state primary on February 19th is a complete farce, at least if you’re a Democrat. The Democratic presidential candidates are entirely chosen by the Washington state caucuses on Saturday, February 9th. Washington state law requires that a presidential primary be held, but the parties are not actually obliged to select any delegates as a result of the vote. The Republicans delegates will be allocated 49% from the caucus results, and 51% from the primary results.
I’m the Democratic Precinct Committee Officer for SEA-1945, and I’ll be participating in our neighborhood caucus at Asa Mercer School. I need to phone participants of the previous caucus today, both in my own precinct and some adjoining, PCO-less precincts, to remind them of the caucus.
I’ve uploaded Vim syntax highlighting for PBwiki, a free, hosted wiki that I’ve used for a few different projects.