George V. Reilly

Review: Cursor's Fury

Cursor's Fury
Title: Cursor’s Fury
Author: Jim Butcher
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Ace
Copyright: 2006
Pages: 544
Keywords: fantasy
Reading period: 23-24 February, 2008

Cursor’s Fury is the third book in Jim Butcher’s fantasy series, Codex Alera, and the sequel to Academ’s Fury.

Tavi is now a cursor, a special agent of the First Lord. Planted undercover in a newly-formed legion, Tavi suddenly becomes its leader when all the other officers are as­sas­si­nat­ed, just as an invading force of Canim have landed nearby. Meanwhile, his aunt Isana, is trapped in a besieged city, when one of the High Lords, Kalare, attempts a coup. Isana’s brother Bernard and his wife Amara lead an attack against Kalare.

Exciting and en­ter­tain­ing, with almost every chapter ending in a cliffhang­er for one of the principals.

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