George V. Reilly

Review: Judge

Title: Judge
Author: Karen Traviss
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ½
Publisher: Eos
Copyright: 2008
Pages: 391
Keywords: SF
Reading period: 18–21 June, 2008

Judge is the sixth and final book in the Wess’har Series, and the sequel to Ally.

For the first time, focus shifts to 25th-century Earth, as the eco­log­i­cal­ly radical Eqbas arrive to clean up the mess. Once again, the central themes are ethics and en­vi­ron­men­tal­ism, and the moral quandaries posed by the existence of c’naatat, a parasite that confers im­mor­tal­i­ty upon its host. The series draws to a close, resolving the fates of the central characters: the ruthlessly principled former cop, Shan Frankland; her two husbands, the gentle marine, Ade Bennett, and the alien war criminal, Aras; and Eddie Michallat, the journalist.

It’s an impressive series of novels: strong characters, an in­ter­est­ing plot, aliens with fun­da­men­tal­ly non-human ethics, moral dilemmas, and conflict galore.

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