George V. Reilly

Vim 7.2 is released


Fifteen months after the release of Vim 7.1, Bram announced the release of Vim 7.2 last weekend. No major new features, just the con­sol­i­da­tion of more than 300 patches. He also included a mention of the new dis­tri­b­u­tion point for Win64 binaries, the vim-win3264 project that I set up at Google Code.

Bram has no way of testing the Win64 version, so I’m providing the official build at vim-win3264. I will no longer provide Win64 binaries for Vim from my own site. The Vim 7.2 sources compile the Win64 binaries cleanly (unlike the 7.1 release). I’ll provide occasional in­ter­me­di­ate releases up there too, for both Win32 and Win64.

I’m rather surprised to see that the Win64 binary has already been downloaded 248 times in the last week. It’s such a pain to look at the logs on my server that I have no idea how many times earlier binaries were downloaded.

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