George V. Reilly

Against Gay Marriage? Don't Have One

Seattle Protest March against Propo­si­tion 8

I mentioned the other day there were to be protest marches all over the country today against Propo­si­tion 8, the anti-gay marriage amendment that passed last week in California.

Thousands marched in Seattle, from Volunteer Park to Westlake Center. The P-I and the Seattle Times say 3,000. The Stranger says 6,000. I was one of them. It was a lot. Westlake was jammed.

The crowd was in good spirits. Pissed off at the votes in California, Florida, Arizona, and Arkansas, but determined to keep on fighting. Certain that time and right are on our side, that we will in the end triumph.

Equal Rights Washington is co­or­di­nat­ing the fight in this state. Give them your time and money.

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