George V. Reilly

PBwiki 2.0


I use or par­tic­i­pate in a handful of wikis hosted at PBwiki. A year ago, I wrote a PBwiki syntax high­light­ing plugin for Vim, modeled after the ones that I put together for the FlexWiki and SocialText wikis. Es­sen­tial­ly, paste the wikitext into Vim, get syntax high­light­ing, edit the text, then paste it back into the multiline textbox. I find the WYSIWYG editors annoying.

PBwiki is forcing all wikis to switch over to v2.0 by March 9th. The good news is that the upgrade is painless and reliable. They offer new features, such as an improved editor, better access control, and a new look.

The bad news is that for cranks like me, there’s no longer an advanced editor and wikitext. I can use the WYSIWYG editor or I can switch it to HTML source mode. Ick!

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