George V. Reilly

Review: The Big Sleep

The Big Sleep
Title: The Big Sleep
Author: Raymond Chandler
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ½
Publisher: Vintage
Copyright: 1939
Pages: 234
Keywords: crime
Reading period: 2 May, 2009

General Sternwood is old, rich, and crippled, with two wanton daughters. Philip Marlowe is brought in to deal with a black­mail­er. Within hours, he is tripping over dead bodies, live dames, tough guys, and skeletons in closets.

Chandler’s famously convoluted story holds up well seventy years later. His style and his stories are much imitated, but retain their freshness. Marlowe lives by his own code of honor, which keeps him going in his dirty, no-good world. He cracks wise and rarely carries a gun while he does what needs doing.


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