George V. Reilly

Review: Wyatt's Hurricane

Wyatt's Hurricane
Title: Wyatt’s Hurricane
Author: Desmond Bagley
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ½
Publisher: Fontana
Copyright: 1966
Pages: 254
Keywords: thriller
Reading period: 5–8 May, 2009

Wyatt is a me­te­o­rol­o­gist working with the U.S. Navy on the small Caribbean island of San Fernandez. He’s convinced that Hurricane Mabel will change course and hit San Fernandez. Trouble is, he can’t convince the local dictator, Serrurier, to evacuate the low-lying capital because the rebels have risen.

This is a fine early modern thriller by Bagley. Aside from the im­prob­a­bil­i­ty of an in­sur­rec­tion and a major hurricane happening si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly, it’s quite believable. The tension mounts as the weather worsens, people act in character, and no one has improbable talents. Wyatt is naive and idealistic and finds himself shocked by the re­alpoli­tik of the rebel leader, Favel.


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