George V. Reilly

Review: Dance with Death

Dance with Death
Title: Dance with Death
Author: Barbara Nadel
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Headline Review
Copyright: 2006
Pages: 366
Keywords: mystery, Turkey
Reading period: 29–30 May, 2009

Inspector Çetin İkmen is called to a remote village in Cappadocia when a 20-year-old mummified body is found. The case is tearing the village apart. Back in İstanbul, Inspector Mehmet Süleyman in­ves­ti­gates an in­creas­ing­ly violent series of male-on-male rapes.

Nadel clearly knows Turkey well, bringing to life characters from different social classes without pa­tron­iz­ing them, showing Turkey in its complexity. The story was well crafted, weaving the two strands together to highlight tension. Pace a pet peeve of mine, the two cases did not suddenly, magically become related by the end of the book. The Agatha Christiesque denouement of İkmen’s case was a bit much, though.

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