Memorial for Frank R.A.J. Maloney

I just posted this message to Frank’s favorite newsgroups, soc.motss and rec.arts.movies.past-films.
Frank Maloney was a longtime regular in this newsgroup. After a long illness, he died on January 6th, 2009 at his home.
Some of Frank’s friends are helping Lyndol, his partner of more than 30 years, to put together a memorial for Frank. It’ll be held near Seattle on the afternoon of July 5th.
Frank was a published poet and we’ll be reading some of his poems. But he also spent more than 20 years participating in newsgroups, posted thousands of articles, and made many online friends. It seems fitting for us to read some of his voluminous output.
We’d like your help. If you saved some of Frank’s old posts that you found memorable – touching, witty, erudite, insightful, or even infuriating – please repost them here or email them to me. If you have some memories of Frank in your own words, we’d like to hear them too.
If you’d like to attend the memorial, let me know. This thread will serve as the online counterpart.
(Posted separately to soc.motss and rec.arts.movies.past-films)