George V. Reilly

Bloomsday Reading

Leopold Bloom and Mrs. Breen

Our 2009 Bloomsday reading is over! I thought it went very well. We had quite a large audience by our stan­dard­s—about 30 people, we got a lot of laughs, and most of them stayed until the end.

Of all the spaces that we’ve performed in, I like the University Bookstore the best. The events area is sunny, airy, and spacious, and easily discovered by customers in the store. The staff were very helpful and easy to work with. I’d prefer not to do another event on the same day as the University of Washington’s Com­menc­ment, however.

Eric came along with a big lens and took hundreds of photos. Emma took a few as well. The best of them are up at Flickr.

Thank you, everyone.

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