George V. Reilly

Review: Deadly Appearances

Deadly Appearances
Title: Deadly Ap­pear­ances
Author: Gail Bowen
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: McClelland & Stewart
Copyright: 1990
Pages: 280
Keywords: mystery
Reading period: 16–18 June, 2009

Andy Boychuk has just become the leader of the opposition party in Saskatchewan when he is murdered. His advisor, Joanne Kilbourn, sees him drink the poison. Her own husband was sense­less­ly murdered a few years earlier, and Andy was not only her boss but an old friend, so it’s difficult for her. When she decides to write a biography of Andy and learns unexpected things about him, her health mys­te­ri­ous­ly begins to fail.

Joanne is a middle-aged widow with children, who has spent her life working behind the scenes in Saskatchewan politics. She is a shrewd judge of character and a perceptive observer, albeit with human frailties and blind spots. This is the first of a series of novels.

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