George V. Reilly

Review: Bangkok 8

Bangkok 8
Title: Bangkok 8
Author: John Burdett
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ½
Publisher: Corgi
Copyright: 2003
Pages: 431
Keywords: crime
Reading period: 11–19 October, 2009

Sonchai Jit­pleecheep is a devout Buddhist, half Thai and half American, and one of the few Bangkok cops who is not on the take. An American marine is murdered grotesque­ly in a manner that ac­ci­den­tal­ly kills Sonchai’s partner and soul brother. Sonchai must help the FBI in­ves­ti­gate and seek his own revenge. The trail takes them through the foulest gutters and the palaces of the wealthy. We encounter pros­ti­tutes, monks, shemales, jade collectors, and gangsters in a tour of the Thailand that most Westerners barely glimpse.

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