George V. Reilly

Review: The Digger's Game

The Digger's Game
Title: The Digger’s Game
Author: George V. Higgins
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Popular Library
Copyright: 1973
Pages: 223
Keywords: fiction
Reading period: 26–27 November, 2009

Digger Doherty is a smalltime Boston crook who went to Vegas for a few days and blew a lot of money that he didn’t have. Now he has to figure something out.

It seems like all of George V. Higgins’ books—[1], [2]—involve lowlifes who like to talk. A lot. He had a wonderful ear for dialogue. Sur­pris­ing­ly, none of his books seem to have been adapted for the stage and only The Friends of Eddie Coyle was filmed.

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