George V. Reilly

Review: Hour of the Hunter

Hour of the Hunter
Title: Hour of the Hunter
Author: J.A. Jance
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Avon
Copyright: 1991
Pages: 416
Keywords: mystery
Reading period: 10–12 September, 2010

Diana Ladd is the widow of a man believed to have killed an Indian girl seven years ago in the Arizona desert. The girl’s grand­moth­er, Rita Antone, is helping Diana rear her son in a remote house. Now the real killer, Andrew Carlisle, is out of jail, blaming Diana for his being put away for manslaugh­ter.

Jance weaves together several in­ter­est­ing characters, their back­sto­ries, and Indian myths to make a satisfying thriller.

Review: Hostile Intent » « Seattle AIDS Walk 2010