George V. Reilly

Static Website Conversions


I’ve spent time over the last three weeks working on a new website for the Northwest C++ Users’ Group. I blogged about the NWCPP website refresh over there. In brief, I moved the website from an instance of the Joomla Content Management System at Just Host to a static website generated by Pelican and hosted at Github Pages, and I’m happy with the results.

Not only am I the Webmaster (and Secretary) of NWCPP, I am also the webmaster for several other or­ga­ni­za­tions:

I’m seriously con­sid­er­ing converting the Wild Geese site and my personal site to Pelican. As I said in the conclusion of the NWCPP website refresh post, it works for me, but it wouldn’t be suitable for someone who isn’t familiar with re­Struc­tured­Text, Git, and Python.

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