Sherlock Seattle 2015

Sherlock Seattle is a convention for fans of Sherlock Holmes, in all his many incarnations. Emma and I are attending the 2015 convention this weekend at the Broadway Performance Hall. We also attended the two previous conventions, in late 2012 and late 2013. Holmes has always been popular, since Arthur Conan Doyle wrote A Study in Scarlet in 1886. Three recent adaptations have boosted Holmes’ popularity considerably, the steampunk Sherlock films with Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law; the BBC Sherlock in modern-day London with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman; and the CBS Elementary in modern-day New York with Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu.
Sherlock Seattle has, I’d guess, about 150 attendees. Probably 90% of them are female and half of them are under 30. (This must be a little what it’s like for a woman to attend most technical conferences.) Although many attendees were already fans of the books or earlier adaptations, like the Granada Sherlock Holmes with Jeremy Brett, a lot were drawn in by the three recent adaptations. From the cosplay, the artwork on sale, the dealers’ room, and the fan fiction, the Cumberbatch and Freeman Sherlock is the undisputed favorite.
I don’t attend many conventions, but it’s not a bad way to spend a weekend.