George V. Reilly

Review: Natural Causes

Natural Causes
Title: Natural Causes
Author: James Oswald
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Mariner
Copyright: 2014
Pages: 464
Keywords: mystery, su­per­nat­ur­al
Reading period: 12–13 January, 2015

Detective Inspector Tony McLean of the Edinburgh Police has multiple deaths to deal with: an elderly rich man, murdered horribly; the newly discovered corpse of a girl killed in some ghoulish ritual sixty years ago; and the death of the grand­moth­er who raised him. Then more elderly men start being murdered.

I enjoyed this police procedural and I liked the character of Tony McLean. The two cases start dove­tail­ing together (one of my pet peeves) and I was surprised when the author introduced su­per­nat­ur­al elements, since I had thought it was a straight crime novel.

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