Review: The Lance Thrower

Title: The Lance Thrower (The Camulod Chronicles, Book 8)
Author: Jack Whyte
Rating: ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Forge
Copyright: 2004
ISBN: 0812570138
Pages: 622
Keywords: historical fiction
Reading period: 7–14 January, 2015
Jack Whyte’s Camulod Chronicles is a series of novels about King Arthur and Camelot in a post-Roman Britain. This book tells how Lancelot (Clothar the Frank) came to Camulod and met Arthur—and it takes the entire book to get to that point. Only after several hundred pages of Clothar’s childhood and early manhood and fighting a civil war in his uncle’s small kingdom in Gaul, do we proceed to Britain.
As with Uther and other books in the series, I found Whyte to be extraordinarily long-winded. He can tell a story and hold one’s attention, but he spends too long doing it. Recommended primarily for completists.