George V. Reilly

Review: Cry Father

Cry Father
Title: Cry Father
Author: Benjamin Whitmer
Rating: ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Gallery Books
Copyright: 2014
Pages: 320
Keywords: thug lit
Reading period: late Jan­u­ary–ear­ly February, 2015

Patterson Wells lives dan­ger­ous­ly, clearing fallen trees in hurricane season. Since the death of his young son a few years ago, he’s been lost in a self-de­struc­tive fog. His life becomes entangled with that of his neighbor’s grown son, Junior, another lost soul. Wells and Junior bond after a fashion, as their lives spiral further out of control, with drug deals gone bad, drunken sprees, and murders.

Fas­ci­nat­ing in a grim can’t-look-away-from-the-trainwreck fashion. Whitmer writes lyrically about broken lives and disposable people.

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