George V. Reilly

Review: River of Gods

River of Gods
Title: River of Gods
Author: Ian McDonald
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Pyr
Copyright: 2004
Pages: 599
Keywords: sf
Reading period: February 14–23, 2015

India has split apart by 2047, into a dozen competing states desperate for the life-giving monsoon rains. New castes have appeared, as have the new gender of nutes. Aeais (artificial in­tel­li­gences) abound but are strictly proscribed from attaining full sentience. And an asteroid with seven-billion-year-old images of now-living people has been discovered.

McDonald draws together nine people from different walks of life, weaving their tales into one tapestry. India, ancient yet up-to-the-minute, is the vibrant backdrop for this explosion of ideas.

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