Python Print Formatting
On StackOverflow, someone wanted to print triangles in Python in an M-shape. Various clumsy solutions were offered.
Here’s mine which uses the left- and right-justification features of str.format.
- "{0}+++{0}".format('Hello!') produces two copies of the zeroth argument to format (here 'Hello!'), separated by three plusses: Hello!+++Hello!.
- "{:<4}".format('x') left-justifies 'x' in a 4-character field; i.e., 'x '.
- "{:>4}".format('x') right-justifies 'x' in a 4-character field; i.e., ' x'.
- "{:>{}}".format('x', width) right-justifies 'x' in a width-character field.
- 'ab' * 4 yields 4 copies of 'ab'; i.e., 'abababab'.
Putting them together:
.. code:: pycon
>>> WIDTH = 4 >>> >>> for a in range(1, WIDTH+1): ... print("{0:<{1}}{0:>{1}}".format('*' * a, WIDTH)) ... * * ** ** *** *** ********
Handy references: PyFormat and Python String Format Cookbook.