Python f-strings
At this month’s PuPPy (Puget Sound Programming Python) Meetup, I heard a brief mention of Python f-strings as a new feature coming in Python 3.6.
In essence, they offer a simpler, more versatile method of string formatting and interpolation over existing methods. F-strings can include not only symbol names but Python expressions within strings. With str.format, you can write 'Hello, {name}'.format(name=some_name). You can control various aspects of how name is formatted, such as being centered within a field—see PyFormat and Python String Format Cookbook for examples—but no more complex expression is allowed between the braces.
Herewith some examples of f-string expressions drawn from PEP 0498:
>>> date =, 10, 12) >>> f'{date} was on a {date:%A}' '1991-10-12 was on a Saturday' >>> f'Column={col_idx+1}' >>> f'number of items: {len(items)}' >>> f'{extra},waiters:{len(self._waiters)}' >>> message.append(f" [line {lineno:2d}]")
It looks moderately useful, but—as with any new language feature—it can only be used in brand-new code. Python 3.6 is scheduled to be released in a year’s time, in December 2016. Here’s What’s New in Python 3.6.