George V. Reilly

Toastmasters Contest Chair

Toastmasters Speech Contest First Place

I’ve played many roles at Freely Speaking Toast­mas­ters over the last twelve years, but I’ve never before chaired a contest.

Every spring, Toast­mas­ters runs the In­ter­na­tion­al Speech and Evaluation Contests. In the autumn, the Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests are held. The contests are held in most clubs; each club’s winners advance to the area contests; thence to the division contest; and finally to the district contest.

I’ve par­tic­i­pat­ed in each of the contests in the past, making it to the area contests and oc­ca­sion­al­ly the division. I’m not competing this spring, so I’m going to run our club’s contest instead.

I sent this email to the members tonight:

I am the Contest Chair for our club contests in four weeks’ time. Do you have a desire to compete against other good speakers and evaluators? Do you want to hone a speech by delivering it to multiple ap­pre­cia­tive audiences? Do you want to fly the Freely Speaking Toast­mas­ters flag at the Area 31, Division C, or District 2 contests? And if you win the District 2 in­ter­na­tion­al speech contest (western Washington), you could po­ten­tial­ly go on to compete at the world level.

You may already be a good speaker or evaluator, but pushing yourself through the contests will make you better.

We need:

Interested? Email me.

Some links you may find helpful:

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