George V. Reilly

Unicode Upside-Down Mapping, Part 2

Yesterday I showed FileFormat’s ɹǝʇɹǝʌuoↃ uʍo◖-ǝpısd∩ ǝpoɔıu∩. Although the lowercase letters generally looked good, several of the uppercase letters and numerals were un­sat­is­fac­to­ry. Looking through the Unicode Table site, I came across the Fraser Lisu alphabet, which is un­for­tu­nate­ly not well supported in most fonts. The following renders in Hack and Source Code Pro in MacVim, but not in the Source Code Pro webfont from Google Fonts:

B: ꓭ u+A4ED  Lisu Letter Gha
D: ꓷ u+A4F7  Lisu Letter Oe
J: ꓩ u+A4E9  Lisu Letter Fa
K: ꓘ u+A4D8  Lisu Letter Kha
L: ꓶ u+A4F6  Lisu Letter Uh
R: ꓤ u+A4E4  Lisu Letter Za
T: ꓕ u+A4D5  Lisu Letter Tha
U: ꓵ u+A4F5  Lisu Letter Ue
V: ꓥ u+A4E5  Lisu Letter Nga

In Number Forms, I also found upside-down forms of 2 and 3, as well as vulgar fractions and Roman numerals. Un­for­tu­nate­ly, Turned Digit Two and Turned Digit Three don’t render in many fonts, including Hack and Source Code Pro:

2: ↊ u+218A  Turned Digit Two
3: ↋ u+218B  Turned Digit Three

I also found this for 2, which does work in most fonts:

2: ꯖ u+ABD6  Meetei Mayek Letter Jil

Looking at Up­side­Down­Text, I found some other digit forms, which also work in most fonts:

1: Ɩ u+0196  Latin Capital Letter Iota
5: ϛ u+03DB  Greek Small Letter Stigma
7: ㄥ u+3125  Bopomofo Letter Eng
Unicode Upside-Down Mapping » « Review: Reversible Errors