George V. Reilly

Review: Ashes By Now

Ashes By Now
Title: Ashes By Now
Author: Mark Timlin
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ½
Publisher: Vista
Copyright: 1993
Pages: 219
Keywords: crime
Reading period: 13–14 February, 2016

Nick Sharman is a washed up London PI, living with two strippers and drinking himself into oblivion. He used to be a promising Detective Constable, and a bad case from that time comes back to haunt him. The teenaged daughter of an inspector died after being raped twelve years ago. His sergeant fitted up a local flasher and Sharman re­luc­tant­ly went along. Now Sailor Grant is out and wants to clear his name. Sharman refuses to get involved; Grant is murdered; and Sharman’s former sergeant beats him half to death. Sharman recovers and finds a web of police corruption.

The plot is tight and the characters are in­ter­est­ing. Rec­om­mend­ed.

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