George V. Reilly

Review: Death In A Strange Country

Death In A Strange Country
Title: Death In A Strange Country
Author: Donna Leon
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Arrow Books
Copyright: 1993
Pages: 373
Keywords: mystery
Reading period: 19–21 February, 2016

A body has washed up in the canals of Venice, that of an American soldier from the nearby US base at Vicenza. Com­mis­sario Guido Brunetti doesn’t believe that it’s a mugging gone wrong, especially when he sees the fear in the eyes of the female army doctor who’s sent to identify the body. He digs and finds corruption among the rich and powerful, in a toxic coverup.

Brunetti is a decent and honorable family man, whose sense of justice is undi­min­ished by working for an in­com­pe­tent func­tionary in a broken system.

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