PuPPy Startup Row Pitch Night

Last night, Adam Porad and I were one of five teams pitching our startups at the PuPPy-organized PyCon Startup Row Pitch Night:
Techstars Seattle and PuPPy [Puget Sound Programming Python] presents PyCon Startup Row Pitch Night. The time has come again for you, the members of PuPPy, to select Seattle’s startup representative to travel to PyCon in Portland to represent our Python community and startup scene at the annual conference produced by the Python Software Foundation.
We were pitching MetaBrite and our technology that captures receipts, yielding receipt information to users and onsumer insights. We use Python extensively—we’ve written 120,000 lines of Python code for web services, web apps, machine learning, image processing, and scripting.
We tied for first place with ReUP, a B2B marketplace for cannabis producers, processors, and retailers. Ben Reilly (no relation) presented for ReUP.
It has been decided that both MetaBrite and ReUP are going to Startup Row at PyCon. We’ll get a booth where we can meet potential customers and employees, as well as free passes to PyCon.