George V. Reilly


Despite being a bona fide per­for­mance expert—I spent a couple of years as the Per­for­mance Lead for Microsoft’s IIS web server product about 15 years ago—I still forget to measure rather than assume.

I wrote some code today that imported nearly 300,000 nodes into a graph from a 500MB XML file. The code was not par­tic­u­lar­ly fast and I assumed that it was the XML parser. I had been using the built-in streaming parser, cEle­ment­Tree iterparse. I assumed that using the lmxl iterparse would make the code faster. It didn’t.

Then I had the bright idea of tem­porar­i­ly disabling the per-node processing, which left only the XML parsing. Instead of handling 200 nodes per second, I was now parsing more than 10,000 nodes per second. Clearly it was the processing, not the parsing, despite my as­sump­tions.

Time to profile.

I used cProfile to gather some actual data on where time was being spent. The first thing that leaped out at me was that I was spending nearly all the time in str.lower. I cached the result of lower for each node; instead of making 20 million calls, I was now making only 32,000.

The hot spot then moved to a function where I was doing a linear search through an unordered list. I introduced a dictionary and the cumulative time spent in that function dropped from 1,500 seconds to 0.56 seconds.

So much for my intuition.

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