George V. Reilly

Tufte Makeover

Bembo Specimen

I’ve long been a fan of Edward Tufte‘s work. I’m also a fan of old-style serif fonts, such as Bembo.

I happened across the R Studio Tufte Handout Style yesterday, and I was im­me­di­ate­ly struck by how much it resembles Tufte’s books. It uses Tufte CSS and the open-source Tufte Book Font. ETBook is a “computer version” of Bembo that Tufte con­struct­ed for the more recent editions of his books, sup­plant­i­ng the lead type of the earlier editions.

I’ve adapted this blog’s stylesheet to use ETBook and some of the other settings from tufte.css. It’s not completely faithful; e.g., headings are bold, not italic. » « Debunking Memes