Review: Valor of the Healer

Fleeing from his botched attempt to assassinate the Duke of Shalridan, Julian discovers the Duke’s greatest secret: Faanshi, a half-elven slave girl with extraordinary powers of healing. She heals his wounds in an instant and he makes his escape. Meanwhile, Kestar, a knight of the Order of the Hawk, who are sworn to extirpate elven magic, also discovers her existence. When Julian rescues her and Kestar is gravely wounded, she heals him too, forming a strong mental bond with him, which endangers them all.
This is a well-told high fantasy, with believable characters, a solid plot, and good worldbuilding. The three protagonists struggle with the fates that entwine them. Faanshi progresses from cowed slave to valiant heroine; Julian overcomes his bitter cynicism; while Kestar’s beliefs and values are ripped apart.