Review: A Colder Kind of Death

Title: A Colder Kind of Death
Author: Gail Bowen
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ½
Publisher: McClelland & Stewart
Copyright: 1994
ISBN: 077101483X
Pages: 218
Keywords: mystery
Reading period: 27–28 May, 2016
Joanna Kilbourn’s husband, Ian, was senselessly murdered along the Trans-Canada Highway six years ago. Now the killer has been murdered in prison. And his vile girlfriend, who was acquitted of Ian’s murder, is making threats. Then she’s found dead, strangled by Joanna’s scarf, and Joanna is the prime suspect. Joanna, who is a quietly competent mother, professor, and political commentator, starts digging and she finds things that alarm her about Ian’s past, things that she had missed in her fog of grief after his murder.
This is a fine blend of domesticity, political infighting, and detection. Joanna is a keen observer of both her family and her political colleagues, but she too is surprised at how this story plays out.