George V. Reilly

Review: The Very Best of Kate Elliott

The Very Best of Kate Elliott
Title: The Very Best of Kate Elliott
Author: Kate Elliott
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Publisher: Tachyon Pub­li­ca­tions
Copyright: 2015
Pages: 386
Keywords: sf, fantasy
Reading period: 19 May–3 June, 2016

A collection of short stories and essays from Kate Elliott, some of which are drawn from her various story universes. In the foreword and the essays, she discusses the cultural biases that lead to the “male gaze” and male characters being the un­con­sid­ered defaults for many readers and writers. These stories amply demon­strate that good, in­ter­est­ing fantasy and SF stories can be written with strong female characters and subtle plots. (I already knew this; some in SF fandom still don’t.)

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